旧约 - 历代记上(1 Chronicles)第25章
Moreover David and the captains of the host separated to the service of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals: and the number of the workmen according to their service was: |
Of the sons of Asaph; Zaccur, and Joseph, and Nethaniah, and Asarelah, the sons of Asaph under the hands of Asaph, which prophesied according to the order of the king. |
Of Jeduthun: the sons of Jeduthun; Gedaliah, and Zeri, and Jeshaiah, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, six, under the hands of their father Jeduthun, who prophesied with a harp, to give thanks and to praise the LORD. |
Of Heman: the sons of Heman: Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, and Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, and Romamtiezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, and Mahazioth: |
All these were the sons of Heman the king's seer in the words of God, to lift up the horn. And God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters. |
All these were under the hands of their father for song in the house of the LORD, with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, for the service of the house of God, according to the king's order to Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman. |
So the number of them, with their brethren that were instructed in the songs of the LORD, even all that were cunning, was two hundred fourscore and eight. |
And they cast lots, ward against ward, as well the small as the great, the teacher as the scholar. |
Now the first lot came forth for Asaph to Joseph: the second to Gedaliah, who with his brethren and sons were twelve: |
The third to Zaccur, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The fourth to Izri, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The fifth to Nethaniah, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The sixth to Bukkiah, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The seventh to Jesharelah, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The eighth to Jeshaiah, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The ninth to Mattaniah, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The tenth to Shimei, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The eleventh to Azareel, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The twelfth to Hashabiah, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The thirteenth to Shubael, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The fourteenth to Mattithiah, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The fifteenth to Jeremoth, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The sixteenth to Hananiah, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The seventeenth to Joshbekashah, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The eighteenth to Hanani, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The nineteenth to Mallothi, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The twentieth to Eliathah, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The one and twentieth to Hothir, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The two and twentieth to Giddalti, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The three and twentieth to Mahazioth, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: |
The four and twentieth to Romamtiezer, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve. |
第 25 章
代上 25:1> 今天我要向人传什么信息?
25:1 说预言不但讲述未来的事,也包括唱诗颂赞神与传扬祂的信息(参林前 14 章)。作先知的可能是乐师、农夫(参摩 1:1 )、主妇(参王下 22:14 )或领袖(参申 34:10 )──凡是勇敢、准确地代神传言,想领人民回转敬拜祂的人,都可以作先知。大卫从许多歌唱者与乐师之中,选出这一班才华出众的人来向别人传颂神,并以音乐鼓舞人心。
代上 25:1-7> 在教会敬拜中,我是敬拜者,抑或只是观众?
25:1-7 在帐幕之中有许多方式可以敬拜神。有些人说预言和唱歌( 25:1 ),有人称谢颂赞神( 25:3 ),也有人吹奏乐器( 25:6-7 ),神要全体的子民都敬拜祂。你可能不是音乐家,不是先知教师,但是凡你所献上的一切,神都会悦纳。你要发展自己的特殊才华来事奉神(参罗 12:3-8 ;林前 12:29-31 )。
代上 25:9-31> 大卫建立班次管理圣殿,给我们的事奉有何启示?
25:9-31 大卫将歌者、乐手分为二十四班,与祭司的二十四班相配合( 24:7-15 )。这种任职的班次,使圣殿的管理有条不紊,训练人员卓有功效,并令敬拜神的方式多采多姿。因为每一班都任职一个短期,就能让更多人有参与的机会。──《灵修版圣经注释》
圣殿的音乐(二十五 1 ~ 31 )
思想 崇拜中歌唱部分有何作用?什么人可以承担歌唱的责任?
大卫安排利未人工作的时候,分派四千人负责以乐器颂赞耶和华(参二十三 5 ),这一章正详细记下他们的分班、班长等资料。音乐是圣殿敬拜的重要一环,同样也是今日教会敬拜生活的重要成分,透过当日圣殿的音乐,让我们思考我们的音乐事奉。
.音乐事奉的种类:主要分声乐及乐器两类,除唱歌外,他们弹奏乐器,例如弹琴(主要是竖琴的种类)、鼓瑟、敲钹(部分乐器的样子可参《天道大众圣经百科全书》香港:天道书楼, 1982 ;页 222 ~ 224 )。常见华人教会的音乐事奉,大致都集中在声乐方面,而忽略了乐器方面的事奉,歌唱当然重要,但美丽的音乐可以将歌唱衬托得更美,使人更容易投入其中,这是今日教会音乐应考虑的发展。
默想 试反省我可以怎样参与,支持教会中的音乐事奉。──《新旧约辅读》
历代志上 历代志上 第廿五章 注释
1-31 圣殿的乐团
提及(参串)。他们来自三个家族,共二百八十八人 ( 7), 分为二
十四班,每班十二人( 9-31)。
1 用音乐带领百姓敬拜神( 1, 3, 6)、
2 作先知(「唱歌」原意是「说预言」, 1)和
3 办理圣殿的事务( 6)。
1 「人数」:可作「名单」。
5 「吹角颂赞」:原文作「高举角」。
1 神高举希幔;这与下半节希幔有众多子女一句互相呼应
2 神高举希幔家族。
「王的先见」:这是三家领袖皆有的衔头(代下29:30; 35:15)。
思想问题(第 25章)
1 从本章看来,大卫审慎储备日後圣殿中以音乐事奉神的人员。
试讨论音乐在崇拜中的重要性(参 3, 5, 7)。
2 在今日讲求平等的社会中, 8节所定的结构和人在社会中相互的
3 本章所叙述的音乐事奉有那几方面?
4 7节有「学习」和「善於」的字眼。
历代志上 注释
二五1~7 在本章中,利未其它的子孙。那些唱歌和弹奏乐器的人准备好供奉他们神圣的职务。他们是亚萨的儿子(2节)、耶杜顿的儿子(3节)和希幔的儿子(4~5节)。这二百八十八个人被分派到耶和华的殿中唱歌,由钹、琴、瑟等乐器伴奏(6~7节)。
二五8~31 本段说明他们掣签分成二十四个班次。大卫将歌者、乐手分为二十四班,与祭司的二十四班相配合(二四7~15)。这种任职的班次,使圣殿的管理有条不紊,训练人员卓有功效,并令敬拜神的方式多彩多姿。因为每一班都任职一个短期,就能让更多人有参与的机会。
历代志上 25:1
弹 琴 …… 唱
歌 (“ 唱歌 ” 原文做 “ 说预言 ”) “ 说
预 言 ” : 通 常 指 一 个 人 受 感 发 声, 借 此 服 事 神 和 荣 耀 神。 这 里 表 明 在 圣 灵 的 直 接 感 动 下, 通 过 唱 歌 和 弹 奏
乐 器 的 方 式 来 称 颂 神。 新 约 时 代, 在 那 些 信 靠 基 督 并 被 圣 灵 充 满 的 人 中 间, 说 预 言 已 经 成 为 圣 灵
彰 显 的 主 要 方 式 之 一 ( 参 徒 2:17 注;参 “ 信 徒 的 属 灵 恩 赐 ” 一 文 ) 。
颂 赞 耶 和 华: 唱
二十五 1-31 讴歌奏乐者
圣所人员的名单之后,是利未人的第二个部分,那就是乐师。乐师再有两种划分方法,先是根据亚萨、耶杜顿和希幔 3 个家族( 1-6 节),跟着是根据以他们的儿子为首的 24 班( 7-31 节)。希幔被称为「王的先见」( 5 节),而亚萨和耶杜顿则跟别处的称呼一样(代下二十九 30 ,三十五 15 );说预言跟唱歌显然有关连,虽然「指教」一词像「说预言」一样,在 1 至 3 节中提及了 3 次,显示在圣经时代(比较林前十四 26-33 ),说话和唱歌都可以出于灵感,而非出于狂热或失控。
希幔首 5 个儿子的名字之后( 4 节),是 9 个不常见的名字,这些名字在希伯来文中好像诗句一样:「哈拿尼雅、哈拿尼」就是「恩待我吧,耶和华,恩待我吧」,诸如此类。希幔也许是根据他所喜爱的诗篇来为众子起名!
讴歌者的班次,像祭司的班次一样,分为 24 班(二十四 7-18 )。在任何情况下,那完整的名单都像第 8 节的含义一样(比较二十四 31 ,二十六 13 ),是历代志作者的特色,也显示他确信在神的计划中,祂全部的子民都要结合起来。