旧约 - 以西结书(Ezekiel)第42章
Then the man led me northward into the outer court and brought me to the rooms opposite the temple courtyard and opposite the outer wall on the north side. |
The building whose door faced north was a hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide. |
Both in the section twenty cubits from the inner court and in the section opposite the pavement of the outer court, gallery faced gallery at the three levels. |
In front of the rooms was an inner passageway ten cubits wide and a hundred cubits long. Their doors were on the north. |
Now the upper rooms were narrower, for the galleries took more space from them than from the rooms on the lower and middle floors of the building. |
The rooms on the third floor had no pillars, as the courts had; so they were smaller in floor space than those on the lower and middle floors. |
There was an outer wall parallel to the rooms and the outer court; it extended in front of the rooms for fifty cubits. |
While the row of rooms on the side next to the outer court was fifty cubits long, the row on the side nearest the sanctuary was a hundred cubits long. |
The lower rooms had an entrance on the east side as one enters them from the outer court. |
On the south side along the length of the wall of the outer court, adjoining the temple courtyard and opposite the outer wall, were rooms |
with a passageway in front of them. These were like the rooms on the north; they had the same length and width, with similar exits and dimensions. Similar to the doorways on the north |
were the doorways of the rooms on the south. There was a doorway at the beginning of the passageway that was parallel to the corresponding wall extending eastward, by which one enters the rooms. |
Then he said to me, "The north and south rooms facing the temple courtyard are the priests' rooms, where the priests who approach the LORD will eat the most holy offerings. There they will put the most holy offerings--the grain offerings, the sin offerings and the guilt offerings--for the place is holy. |
Once the priests enter the holy precincts, they are not to go into the outer court until they leave behind the garments in which they minister, for these are holy. They are to put on other clothes before they go near the places that are for the people." |
When he had finished measuring what was inside the temple area, he led me out by the east gate and measured the area all around: |
He measured the east side with the measuring rod; it was five hundred cubits. |
He measured the north side; it was five hundred cubits by the measuring rod. |
He measured the south side; it was five hundred cubits by the measuring rod. |
Then he turned to the west side and measured; it was five hundred cubits by the measuring rod. |
So he measured the area on all four sides. It had a wall around it, five hundred cubits long and five hundred cubits wide, to separate the holy from the common. |
第 42 章
结 42:14> 祭司进出圣所为何要更衣?这是挺繁琐的仪式嘛……
42:14 接近圣洁的神绝不是件随便的事。祭司按规定要穿圣袍,它象征着祭司在接近神的时候,有一颗圣洁的心。祭司一定要穿上这些特殊的衣服才能在圣殿的至圣所事奉。因为这袍子是圣洁的,所以祭司出来见百姓之前要脱掉它。
结 42:16-20> 这对称的圣殿预示……
42:16-20 以西结在异象中看见的圣殿这么对称,可能代表神未来国度的秩序与和谐。──《灵修版圣经注释》
认清善恶(四十二 1 ~ 20 )
要了解以西结所见圣殿的意义,历代志下二至七章是很重要的参考资料。这些经文为我们阐述了犹太人藉圣殿敬拜神的传统。所罗门向泰尔王希兰要求一个精于雕工、善用金银铜铁的巧匠,帮助他为耶和华的名建造殿宇,分别为圣献给这位真神。基于这个民族传统精神,以西结为我们写出了本章的中心句“为要分别圣地与俗地”( 20b )。
由于圣殿对于神的选民的重要性,在简略浏览过自外院到至圣所各处地方之后,使者又带领先知到外院的圣屋去,这样他便有机会对神的殿,和应当怎样敬拜、荣耀祂有更透澈的认识。今时今日的信徒又何尝不是这样?如果对于神的恩典慈爱,不再止于粗尝浅嚼的话,我们的信仰将会是个更大的喜乐和能力的泉源。这样,我们将不会埋怨生活呆板,信仰乏味。正如我们可以从本章经文枯燥的数字,建构圣殿的面貌,这样读经就会带来无穷的乐趣( 1 ~ 12 )。
在神的国度里,善恶、黑白,圣俗是分明的。圣屋的功用也就是帮助为主作工的人──祭司可以坚守这个精神。献祭的圣物必须放在这里,而主祭的人也必须在这里更换圣衣,才可以主持献祭,祭礼完毕也不能穿圣衣到外院和世俗的地方去( 13 ~ 14 )。今天,教会和信徒也许要反省一下:我们在扩展神国度的时候,对是非黑白和善恶圣俗看得分明吗?
思想 我的生命能否成为神临在的殿呢? ──《新旧约辅读》
祭司屋(四十二 1-20 )
最后,这位先知被领回圣殿的外面,他那位天使向导,从外面量度整个的圣殿,共五百方肘,长约 八百英尺 ,宽也是 八百英尺 ;至于各部分的高度,并无表示。圣殿的围墙,将圣洁的天地与普通的世界分开。
四十二 1-20
42:15-20 量度圣殿面积,殿是正方形的,每边“五百竿”(“五百肘”原文作“五百竿”),约等于1.5公里。